Friday, August 10, 2007

Things I remember from the final day of team training

First thing in the morning, Apollo and I had our working test. The trainers gave me different scenarios that they wanted me to complete with Apollo and then it was up to us to make it happen. For example, walk up to a desk, have the dog go under the desk and lie down, drop something, have the dog pick it up and give it to you. You got 2 pts for each command that you should have used as long as the dog did what you asked with you asking no more than twice. After that it was only 1 pt or no pts if they never did it or you didn't use a command you should have. You could always use extra commands if they were helpful to you and you used them properly. Apollo and I got 77 out f 80 pts.

After that we had to go to the grocery store and do the same kinds of things but amongst the distractions of the food and people. That was either a pass or fail thing...we passed!!

Finally, we were sent on a walking trip around downtown Anacortes with specific things to accomplish. First we had to go to the Visitor's Center and get some brochures. I had to drop one and have Apollo pick it up and give it to me. Then we had to go into a public restroom and have him go in under the sink and lie down. After that we walked to the office supply store and bought a card. I didn't have to, but I had Apollo try to give the 3 dollar bills to the clerk. He did pretty good, but one of them didn't make it. He did successfully retrieve the receipt and give it to me, as well as, the bag with the card.

Then we walked over to the commerce building and had Apollo pull open the door so that we could go in and then push the button so that we could get out. Finally, we went to the post office and bought a book of stamps. Apollo opened the doors and retrieved the receipt. Then we returned to the trainer and got our evaluation and official passing grade for team training. When we left there, we went and practiced getting on and off a bus. We are going back tomorrow to practice that some more since we are staying through the weekend.

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