Saturday, December 8, 2007


Here’s a cool quote I found on Alice’s desk. “I’d rather be a dog and bay at the moon.” Shakespeare wrote that a long time ago. Pretty cool huh? He sure knew his stuff. Alice is very literary; she knows a lot of that kind of thing.

Life is pretty boring around the house with nowhere to go and no one to see. I’m on house bedrest, with a few outings now and then. No cavorting or frolicking, jumping, running, doing donuts, etc.

I did get a couple of get-well presents from people who LOVE ME (ME! remember, it’s all about ME!) And lots of well-wishing emails! New toys are like new books or new CDs or new movies. You get tired of the same old same old.

I um, have a pretty full laundry basket full of dog toys. (see photo). Sometimes I take them out and scatter them all around the living room. Sometimes I line them up in front of my bed in the living room. Sometimes I’d like to line up those two cats who act like top dog around here. I’m top dog! And they better not forget it!

I got a visit from my Auntie Sarah who brought me get-well presents, including an armadillo. I’ve never had a stuffed armadillo. Now I can add it to my collection of stuffed penguin, stuffed mallard, stuffed frog, and copper colored stuffed lions. My humans all call them my puppies. My favorite puppy has had his neck sewn up so many times with different colored thread he looks cool. Sometimes his brain-guts come out when I shake him in my mouth. Alice just picks it up off the floor and stuffs it back in his skin and sews him up again. This guy has been around since day one. Do you other dogs have any special toys you are fond of?

Here are the names of some of the books Alice is reading now; maybe she will learn something new about dog
language that she doesn’t know already. It could happen!

I like the first part of this title: Bones Would Rain from the Sky, Deepening Our Relationships with Dogs, Suzanne Clothier.

2) Merle’s Door, Lessons from a Freethinking Dog, by a guy named Ted Kerasote.(a freethinker!)

And a third one called On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals, by Turid Rugaas.

If you are interested in dog-talk vs. people-talk take a look at these books.

Well it’s the time of year to hibernate for some creatures. Dogs don’t do that but we do like sleeping by the fire, and taking it easy.

Hey, life is pretty good. I get my meals on time every day, and walkies and treats for when I work. I have dog buddies (Aishan, the big wolf dog) and I sort of like all my dog dancing buddies, although we are not supposed to visit much with them. I have a new way to get in the car now I just walk up this ramp and go lie down.

Today, Alice left me in the car while she ran inside a place to pick up a thing. I could see her from the window. It helped to get in the front seat. There was a ---can you believe this?--- cat in the car next to mine!

I need to help Alice see where she is going. I like to put my head between the front seats right next to my person. I would sit in her front seat if she would let me, but it’s probably not safe.

Later, Woof!
Morgan, Service Dog to Alice


Unknown said...

Dear Morgan,
I called earlier to see if I could walk you but now it is raining. Wanted to also let you know I PASSED MY LICENSING EXAM, not by much, BUT I PASSED! Yippee.
Guess I'll stay home tonight and collapse. I finally feeling like I am done with school. Do you think it will snow much this weekend? I miss Mr. Princey. He LOVED the snow.
\Auntie Wendy

Mydoggiesays said...

Here's another fun dog-talk book.

Thanks for the fun post.