Thursday, December 6, 2007

Here comes Christmas, ready or not!

I love this time of year, with the lights, music and people out walking. I would enjoy much more snow though. Hayden got to play in some at the Alternative Christmas Fair this past Saturday and LOVED IT!

I realized that this is his second Christmas with me. Last year at this time, he was still getting used to traveling with me to Lake Oswego, Oregon, to stay with my family. Both he and my nieces were getting to know each other, with Hayden being much more accepting than Charley and Jessie. He was taller than both and they were a little nervous about him.

This year, they love Hayden and he, them. Charley, the 3 year old loves to boss him around. She’s constantly telling him to “leave it”, whether he’s around something or not! He loves when she plays ball with him, telling him to “Dop (drop) it”, which he does, then she tells him to sit, which he does. At this point she’ll pick up the ball and throw it, either forward or accidentally backwards. He is very gentle and patient with her.

Jessie, who is 1, loves to take his toy, which causes him to look at me pleadingly. He doesn’t go and take it back until she drops it and I tell him to get his toy. She also loves to poke his eyes, put her fingers up his nose and grab at his tail when he walks by. He is very patient with her and in return, loves to clean up under the table when she has finished eating in her high chair. (I can sense all of the trainers groaning at this point.)

It seems as though Hayden has always been with me. He brings my morphine pack to me so many times a week, I take it for granted and seldom think about the days I had to go without, if no one was with me. He’s always at my side, helping me walk and navigate my way through life, increasing my independence and abilities to go out on my own without worrying.
I love this dog so much and can’t explain to others what this relationship is like. He’s not a pet, he’s not just a dog, he’s a true partner. He makes me laugh, experience joy and love in a way that entwines him into the fabric of my own being. I have a sticker on the bumper of our car that reads, “Dog is My Co-Pilot”. Many people have this sticker, but for me, it is true! Without him, navigating is much more difficult.

Needless to say, this holiday season I find myself thankful for so much in my life. My partner Jeaneen, my family and friends, Summit and my co-pilot in life.

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