Monday, March 17, 2008

Morgan's Blog "Movies, Sleeping and not Sleeping!"

Hey dudes,

My people took me to a movie yesterday that was so bad, all three of us ranted and raved after it was over. Wayne wrote a letter to the editor, and Alice added her two cents. It was so bad, I got up from my sleeping place at Alice's feet, and near the end  begged them by panting  my doggie breathe on Wayne, with a please-let's-leave-now-look.

They agree, they should have left the theater, but no, they stayed till the excruciating end. The name of the film had something to do with Bach, music I generally like, but the humans complained about the bad film: script, editing, photography, directing, all that stuff. And, worst of all, they had no popcorn!

Dog dancing is still fun. Some new dogs coming into the program,but I still can't play with any of them. Mary says "no freelancing." That means no nose sniffing, or no butt greeting. I mean come on! We say hello that way! It's all part of being a canine. Lighten up, Mary!

My human sister, Annie is coming to visit again. I like her. That means long walks and hikes and camping! Oh boy, camping, what fun! But we sold our VW camper bus so we currently have no vehicle to camp in, and Alice says she's too old for tent camping. Whatever! I just want to get out there in the wild and smell all the good nature things, and the campfire and stuff. It's so much fun.

To tell you the truth though my aches and pains are still around. I try not to let Alice know, but she knows anyway. I guess getting older and wiser is not all it's cracked up to be. Alice agrees: she has something called insomnia: neither Wayne nor I can figure out how she can NOT sleep.

I'm doing just fine, although I'm told I now snore when I sleep. Do not! It's probably Wayne or one of the cats making that noise. Those people always blame me for fart smells, burping noises, now snoring. I don't really mind: I get secret joy of making those sounds and smells!

It's 4:30 am: Alice has been up since 2: she's getting sleepy, and making all sorts of errors typing. I think she needs a break. Go back to bed, Alice. I need to sleep some more anyway!

Yesterday we had a big wind storm. Alice got knocked over by a gust of wind, and took Wayne down with her. I stayed on four feet. Her balance isn't what it used to be. Sometimes she let's me out in the yard, no walkies. Here I am forlorn, waiting to be let back in the house.

Well, that's about it for now. Life is pretty good:

Walkies, dog dancing, visits to the elementary school,good food, and treats! And lots of napping for this dog!

Yesterday, Alice and I practiced some dance moves. I got hotdog pieces for my reward. Way to go, Alice!


Summit,graduate of 2002,
(as helped by his human counterpart. Alice.)

1 comment:

grandma said...

You do, indeed, look a trifle forlorn, standing in the snow, deprived of walkies by the weather.

Ah Morgan-the-Great. How good of you to be sleep deprived for Alice's sake. It is difficult to keep the human beans properly escorted.
