Monday, July 23, 2007

Hayden - the babysitter

I often travel by train to Oregon to visit my family. This is something I do often.

Hayden had only been with me for two weeks since graduating from Summit, when he traveled for the first time with me. I was apprehensive about how it would go our first time, but he traveled like he’d been doing it for years!

When we got to my family’s house, I was nervous about how he would do with the children, aged 8 months through 15 years old. He fit right in and everyone loved him.

My sister and I were in her kitchen, when we heard Jessie, my 8 month old niece, crying in the living room. We took a few steps toward the room, when we saw Hayden go over to the toy box, pick up a stuffed animal and drop it in her bassinet beside her. My sister and I couldn’t believe it!

He has shown that same desire to comfort others since then. When someone is crying, he goes to them and tries to give them attention and “kisses” (licks). I feel lucky to have such a compassionate being with me.

A day doesn’t go by that I’m not extremely thankful that he has been given to me to assist me and share my days with.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet, that Hayden brought a stuffed animal to comfort the baby. It sounds like you have yourself an excellent companion.