Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Welcome to the Summit Assistance Dogs Blog. Summit Assistance Dogs is a nonprofit organization located in Anacortes, WA that provides mobility,hearing, and therapy dogs for people with disabilities. We hope you enjoy reading about the people, the animals, and the activities that make Summit such a wonderful organization to be a part of. Our graduates are the reason we exist and I know you will be inspired by their journal entries, as well as those of our puppy raisers and trainers. We welcome you to share a link to this Blog with your friends and family. Happy reading!

Sue Meinzinger
Executive Director
Summit Assistance Dogs


finchmeadowfarm said...

This is Amy from Finch Meadow Farm, the original owner of Danny. As Sue says, he is a very quick study and I sure look forward to reading more about his progress in the program. I am glad to hear he is accepted by the rest of the "family" and is settling in well. Also glad to hear that he has gotten over pooping in the house. *VBG* Thanks Sue, for a great first report!

PeggySueO said...

I think it is so cool that you are giving it a shot with Danny!! I sure hope it works out. I can't imagine the looks one would get taking a horse into businesses or a restaurant though.