Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2007 Graduation Ceremony for Summit Assistance Dogs

Well its official...Apollo and I attended the 2007 Graduation Ceremony for Summit Assistance Dogs on Sunday.

Much to everyone's surprise, I actually spoke for a few minutes at the ceremony. They had emailed and asked me to speak for the graduating class a few weeks ago. In my heart I wanted to do it and actually wrote out a speech, but chickened out and said no. I didn't tell anyone here that they had asked or that I wrote something out because I didn't want them to be disappointed in me when I chickened out. Well the lady they had asked after me couldn't make it to the ceremony because her daughter went into labor so I got up the nerve to do it. It probably wasn't great, and I almost cried in the middle of it, but I guess it went OK.

Apollo's puppy raiser, Lisa, presenting Apollo to me with Apollo's advanced trainer, Wendy, presenting our diploma and a quilt throw that one of their volunteers made for each of the graduating dogs.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Peggy,
This is wq and you did a brilliant job at graduation. It is especially hard for shy people to get started but that's the beauty of the dogs. Usually dog owners love to brag about their helpers. Congratulations on your first foray into the the public speaking arena. Take the courage you showed and spread it around. wq