Monday, October 29, 2007

Morgan’s Blog on Halloween, 2007

Happy Halloween! My people’s favorite time of the year is Halloween. Ever since I’ve known them, they have thrown Halloween parties. They really get into it. Every year they have a theme. Last year it was “It’s easy being green.” One year it was “Pretty in Pink.” One year the color was red. I had to wear devil horns that year. One year it was “A Murder Mystery.” They are party people. Just ask Summit people, Grant, Sarah or Sue. They’ll tell you.

My favorite time is when the weird looking people arrive to visit me. When the doorbell rings, I run and get the dishtowel hanging from the stove and run in circles greeting them. I’m not afraid of any one. I know (smell) they are really just being goofy and I like to be goofy too, so it’s fine by me.

This year the Lee Halloween party was a little over the top. They know enough people in Santa Fe now to have a big party. Some of my favorite dog people in the neighborhood came: Lisa, Lois, and Wendy. No dogs came, but that’s okay, because then I got all the attention.

After a while, everybody started dancing and trading costume parts.

Here I am in a blonde wig.

My person, Alice said she would never humiliate me again after a dog fashion show, where I had to wear a cowboy hat and then dog goggles(!), but sometimes she forgets. I don’t mind the colorful collar because that’s one of my outfits when I dog dance.

I forgot to mention the cats. When people come visit they hide. Alice had little kitty collars for them too, but no one saw them, and no one took any pictures of them, so you’ll just have to use your imagination. Personally, I thought they looked stupid, wearing collars.

This year’s party went on too long for my taste. I was interacting and even dancing with them, and then I got tired and just wanted everyone to go home!

Alice won best costume for dressing as Frida Kahlo; she was pretty cool looking. Wayne was Bacchus, god of wine.

The theme this year was to come as your idol. There was Marilyn Monroe, Garth of Wayne’s World, the Pope, a lounge singer, Lao Tzu, Gaia, Jerry Garcia, Bovina, the cow, Groucho Marx, El Presidente de Mexico, Gary Cooper, and others I forgot already.

People sure can act strange! I’m glad this time only comes once a year. I like being just a regular guy dog.


Summit Assistance Dog, 2002
(As dictated to Alice, his person)

1 comment:

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